Eleanor Isdale May 30, 2019
Man at airport looking at plane taking off

The Brands

Power BI helps businesses effectively harness their data, visualise and analyse it to gain key insights and make evidence-based decisions. Its uptake is becoming more and more common, especially within big corporations.  Here’s a look at some of Power BI’s most well-known customers, and how they succeed in their problem-solving with Power BI.

Heathrow Airport

The bustling airport just outside of London, England prepares for chaos on the daily, using data to ensure calm for its 200,000 daily passengers.  Using Power BI and Azure, Heathrow stays ahead of the game by ensuring travel is as seamless as possible.  With Azure, Heathrow pulls data such as weather tracking, flight schedules, baggage and cargo tracking, out of their operational systems, and pushes that data into Power BI.  This allows employees such as gate agents, baggage handlers and air traffic controllers to see real-time reports of what's happening and use that information to make decisions rapidly.

Having Power BI convert data into visual reports and dashboards means insights are delivered to airport staff in a timely manner to prepare for any upcoming disruptions.  This means there is time available to organise extra catering, shuttle buses and other required resources to ease disruptions for passengers.  Airports such as Heathrow experience a huge amount of variability every day, and using Power BI allows for the anticipation of those variables to reduce stress for staff and passengers.


Adobe set out to understand how people were engaging with content created through their Adobe Creative Cloud.  To do so, they built the Adobe Experience Cloud, which integrates data analytics with content, audience and campaign management.  The cloud is connected with Azure, Dynamics 365 and Power BI in order to integrate and handle their massive volumes of data.  This connection has allowed for the development of a comprehensive content, marketing, sales and data management system which makes it easy to create, deliver and manage targeted creative content at a huge scale.  The end product is essentially a 360-degree view of everything a business needs for their marketing.

adobe power bi

Aston Martin

The luxury car maker uses Microsoft programs such as Power BI to accelerate its production and push design and performance boundaries.  Using Power BI, Aston Martin creates dashboards to turn their information into visual insights to help ensure they’re consistently delivering cars on budget and on time.  Power BI is also helping workers solve problems by combining information from a multitude of sources such as the manufacturing floor and the boardroom.  Having access to such a wide range of information can help an entire company understand what's going on, how their resources are performing and utilised, and what needs to be amped up to ensure deadlines are met.  With these integrated dashboards, any red flags can be viewed immediately so workers are able to be agile in their decisions.

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