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   Course Reviews


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Valued by Individuals

4.72 / 5
Over 71405 Reviews
Laurence is a very clear speaker who can explain information very well. The course was easy to follow, and the speed of information given was nice and steady.
Sharnee - Excel Intermediate Brisbane, .
Laurence was a good trainer. He made sure to check with the class that we were all up to date and following along. The pace at which he delivered the content was great and was easy to keep up with.
Rach - Excel Intermediate Brisbane, .
Trainer was very easy to understand and helpful. To the point and did not drag on.
Alicia - Excel Intermediate Brisbane, .
Tim was an engaging and thorough PowerBi trainer. He carefully went through each step of the training program with patience and great detail. Tim utilised his wealth of knowledge to help troubleshoot and workshop errors when they occurred within the group. I am looking forward to participating in the PowerBi Intermediate Training soon. Thanks!
Noni - Power BI Beginner Remote East, .
Hi Kate, it's evident that you're an absolute pro at what you do. You're very passionate and beautifully detailed in your explanations. The only feedback I have is that because the course is so dense and in one day, sometimes the fast-pace teachings can be a bit full on and hard to digest. Perhaps the course can be over 2 days which you can select at a time that suits. This way we can also think of more questions to ask. It would also be great if the course was recorded and available for a certain amount of time eg. 3 years to refer back to if you're a visual learner. Thank you so much, Kate. I'd love to be taught by you again.
Keanna - Excel Intermediate Sydney, .
Explained well. valuable training session.
Yoshika - Excel Intermediate Remote East, .
Trainer was very personable and easy to understand. The pace was good and the class size meant we all had personal time if required.
Kassandra - Power BI Intermediate Canberra, .
Excellent trainer. Kate communicated clearly and set a good pace for the course.
Greg - Excel Intermediate Sydney, .
Very good.
Robert - Power BI Intermediate Remote East, .
Greg was very good and took us through the course content with ease. He shared a number of tips and tricks that will be very useful for me. Thank you Greg.
Madhuri - Power BI Intermediate Canberra, .
Tim is both very knowledgeable on PowerBI as well as having the unique skill to gradually introduce more complicated elements of PowerBI in a relatable manner for students. Furthermore, Tim was good at teaching online where there is little feedback from students as time goes on. This is impressive.
Joel - Power BI Beginner Remote East, .
that was a lot to take in Ken did a really good job explaining
Jason - Excel Intermediate Remote East, .
Ken was informative, took his time explaining each process and ensured that we understood and were on track as he stepped through each process. Ken inserted humor into the training session which made it more enjoyable rather than a stiff training session. The training was easy to follow along and I was made to feel comfortable asking questions. Thanks Ken!
Katrina - Excel Intermediate Remote East, .
Ken was very knowledgeable and easy to understand. I have learnt so much today and just need to go back to work and put it all in to practice.
Sheryl - Excel Intermediate Remote East, .
Engaging manner, easy to follow, and plenty of pauses to ensure students are following along. All responses to questions were answered quickly and confidently. It was clear the trainer had a very good grasp of the subject matter
Peter - Excel Intermediate Remote East, .
Ken was friendly, engaging and covered a range of areas well. I enjoyed the session and learnt some really helpful things I will be putting into practice once back at work.
Claire - Excel Intermediate Remote East, .
Very good at explaining how to do things and the shortcuts to make it quicker.
Shaun - Excel Intermediate Melbourne, .
Ken was great, very knowledgeable and made the day enjoyable.
Jack - Excel Intermediate Melbourne, .
Ken was good and engaging and it was nice to get my knowledge up. Enjoyed thoroughly.
Stefan - Excel Intermediate Melbourne, .
great session, lots of information to take in.
Jess - Excel Intermediate Remote East, .

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