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Valued by Individuals

4.72 / 5
Over 71405 Reviews
Ulfa was very knowledgeable on Power BI and taught it in a very interactive way. She was very open to questions and answered all of my queries. I'm looking forward to being able to use this tool really effectively now
Emma - Power BI Beginner Brisbane, .
Well delivered content very informative left feeling confident to use Power BI
Rob - Power BI Beginner Brisbane, .
Greg was super engaging and very knowledgeable. He was adaptable to questions.
Pallavi - Excel Intermediate Remote East, .
Greg was knowledgeable, clear, patient and kept the content moving at a good pace. Good mix of content.
Jenny - Excel Intermediate Remote East, .
Great intro - thank you!
Peter - Power BI Beginner Remote East, .
Excellent knowledge, approachable, calm approach and professional. Time management is very nice
Barun - Excel Intermediate Perth, .
I enjoyed the course and felt as though I've learnt quite a few new things, thanks Perry.
Aimee-Rose - Excel Intermediate Perth, .
Great Session. Perry has explained well and he make sure everyone followed
Chalani - Excel Intermediate Perth, .
Perry is a fantastic lecturer, very patient and knowledgeable
Vanessa - Excel Intermediate Perth, .
Ghazwan - Excel Intermediate Perth, .
Perry was great, good pace and very friendly
Alan - Excel Intermediate Perth, .
Excellent. Very patient and clear
Gloria - Excel Intermediate Perth, .
The course was great. Enjoyed the session
Vijay - Power Apps Beginner Remote East, .
Thank you for your time, very detailed content. It will be good if students can be made aware at the start of day that when declaring name for the variable or data frames , we keep consistency with trainer. On few occasions, I declared different name without realizing that i will need to call that specific data frame or list later on.
rajan - Python Beginner Remote East, .
Excellent as usual - I requested when booking to have Jagg as the trainer once again, and I was told there were no guarantees, but I got lucky and he was the trainer again for this session. Looking forward to the advanced course.
Jeremy - Power BI Intermediate Adelaide, .
Jag has been an exemplary trainer, right pace, right content, perfect trainer
Arnab - Power BI Intermediate Remote East, .
It was very good
Rose - Excel Advanced Remote East, .
Very clearly explained, very approachable!
Kevin - Excel Advanced Adelaide, .
Structured way of teaching, Always ready to answer questions
Puneet - Python Beginner Remote East, .
Steven was very knowledgeable and explained everything well. He was also happy to go back when we got a bit lost and answer questions. Thank you!
Steph - Power BI Advanced Remote East, .

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