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Jamila Winter Aug 29, 2017
Face to face training benefits

Face-to-Face Training

Although online training is amazing because it provides such ease of accessibility to new knowledge. It may not always be the best method of education. Otherwise face-to-face training would already be out of business. There are situations where having a real group of people in a room together is better. However, the situation is not clear cut. We’d argue that face-to-face and on-line training can be complementary.

So why exactly should you attend a face-to-face training, if there is a comprehensive online training? Here are our five reasons why:

1. The Best Starting Point

If there’s something new you want to learn, where do you start? Google may provide you with lots of hits, but you barely understand anything due to all the technical terms. Most topics can be overwhelming when you just start. This is where an interactive face-to-face training can tear down initial barriers. The floor is open to all questions and the best instructors make sure that no one is left behind.

2. Setting a Time

We have all been there, you know you need to upskill, you have found online material to help but you get 15mins into it and you receive a call, get an urgent email. That learning module gets saved for later and continues to sit on your to do list as the weeks roll by. Booking into a face-to-face class forces you to leave your commitments at the door and dedicate a few hours to learning new skills without the constant interruptions.

3. Making Sure that your questions are answered

Have you ever looked for the answer in an FAQ and found nothing? Or worse, you found the answer, and it made no sense at all? If you have a good teacher, you will get your questions answered, all of them. If they don’t know the answer they will find the answer and given their expertise on the subject, they will find it faster than you.

Not only will all your questions be answered, but if there’s extra topics you want to know a trainer can tailor the course to the participants. In some courses, extra time is allowed for this. Smart students take advantage of the opportunity.

4. Nothing Beats Networking

Networking is everywhere in business today and more important than ever. It’s becoming more of a who-you-know culture and what-you-know comes later. Although there may be online networking nothing beats traditional physical contact for building a strong relationship. From a handshake to drawing notes on a napkin, there is nothing more effective than real life human interaction.

5. Increase the value of online material

Sometimes, a face-to-face workshop is integrated with an online training system. If so, then this is advantageous for all involved. Even if online training is not included you’ll be better equipped to find the extra information you need post-course.


For face-to-face training that will add value to your personal and work life, see our Microsoft Courses page. 

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